Looking For A Webflow SEO Expert? You’re In The Right Place.

We specialize in providing expert-level SEO services for websites that are built exclusively in Webflow. 

An image of a person on a bar graph rising above the other bars

Are You Showing Up Where Your Target Audience Is Looking?

Check out this crazy stat - 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. That’s a great stat for your business, but only if you’re showing up in those search engines. So many businesses have no idea whether or not they are showing up in search engines (spoiler alert: if they’re not focusing on SEO, they’re NOT showing up.) But there’s good news. You’re not like other businesses. You understand the importance of SEO and you know it’s a surefire way to get your business into victory formation. How do we know that? Because you’re still reading this.

Need More Convincing? These SEO Stats Should Do The Trick



60% of businesses say that SEO is their highest quality source of leads



SEO drives 1,000%+ more traffic than organic social media



People are 18x more likely to click an organic search result than its Ad counterpart.



75% of people will never go past the first page of the Google search results page

When You Partner With Us As Your Webflow SEO Expert, Results Follow

Real talk - we’re not going to spam you with catchy lines like “we’ll get you on the first page of Google.” Sounds like all the emails that gather in your Junk email folder, right? That line is so vague. Is that person just going to get you on the first page for your business name and call it a day

Here at 72Huddle, we keep things transparent.

When you choose to partner with us as your Webflow SEO Expert you will see:

black arrow pointing right

Increase in organic search traffic to your website

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Higher ranking in search engines

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More form submissions

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More lead magnet downloads

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More newsletter signups

How Do We Make These Results Happen For Your Business?

We are able to help you see results like this through intentional and strategic SEO best practices

SEO Basics

In order for any SEO project to be successful, a strong foundation has to be in place. When you begin your SEO project with us, we always begin with setting up basic SEO tools so we can track the progress and success of the project. You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Sounds like something a dad or football coach would say, right?

What We’ll Do For You:

Setup/Optimize your Google My Business Listing

Setup Google Search Console

Generate and submit a sitemap

Setup your site with Google Analytics

Ensure your site is indexed with search engines

Keyword Research

Have you ever found yourself saying something like, “I wish I could know exactly what people are looking for.” We’ve got two words for you. Keyword research. Using the right tools, we’re able to conduct keyword research and find the exact keywords your target audience is using. No more wondering what your people want! 

What We’ll Do For You:

Identify your competitors

Conduct keyword gap analysis

Find your main ‘money’ keywords

Find long-tail keyword variations

Find question keywords

Analyze the intent of pages that rank

Technical SEO

Technical SEO, the offensive linemen of search engine optimization. You only notice them when they’re messing up. Technical SEO consists of the elements in the backend of your site that help search engines navigate and understand it. We optimize your site’s technical SEO so search engines boost your ranking and visibility. 

What We’ll Do For You:

Ensure your site is mobile friendly

Optimize your site’s loading speed

Find and fix crawl errors

Identify and fix broken links

Use an SEO-friendly URL structure

On-Page and Content

The goal of all search engines is to serve users with the best and most relevant content. The problem is - if your content is not optimized for search engines, it’s not going to serve your content to users. We optimize your on-page SEO elements and content so your online visibility gets boosted. 

What We’ll Do For You:

Find & fix duplicate and missing title tags

Find & fix duplicate or missing meta descriptions

Find & fix multiple H1 tags

Optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and page content

Optimize images for SEO

Update outdated content

Improve content readability

Off-Page SEO

When a good friend refers a movie to you or a new restaurant, the credibility of that thing goes up, right? The same is true for your website. When other credible websites refer to your site by backlinking to your site, it boosts your website’s credibility in the eyes of search engines. We help boost your website’s credibility and authority with effective off-page SEO strategies.

What We’ll Do For You:

Link building

Analyze your competitor’s link profile

Link intersect analysis

Target your competitors broken backlinks

Leverage digital PR opportunities

Getting A Webflow SEO Expert On Your Team Has Never Been Easier

 Let’s Huddle Up

Get in touch with us and we’ll schedule a time to huddle up and talk through the goals you have for your business. 

Choose An SEO Plan

Our SEO plans start at $700/month. When we huddle up, we’ll walk you through each SEO plan so you can see which one fits you best.

Get Your TD Celly On

We will get you more organic traffic, more form submissions, & higher ranking on search engines. Get your TD celly on!

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers

Do you provide updates or reports on the SEO efforts you do for my business?

Yes! We pride ourselves on being transparent with all of our clients. At the beginning of every month, you will receive a personal video report from us where we’ll walk you through the work we completed for you the previous month, updates in traffic numbers, and other key performance indicators.

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

SEO is a long game. There are a lot of factors that can vary the timeline of seeing results, but usually our clients start seeing initial results 3-6 months in. The biggest results happen between 6-12 months. It’s a long game, but when you’re ranking higher on search engines and getting more organic traffic to your site - you’ll see how much it’s worth it.

Don’t Fumble Your SEO Strategy

Here’s the truth

Having and executing a solid SEO strategy is the only way you’re going to grow your business and beat your competition. The days of growing your business solely by word-of-mouth are gone. You need to show up online where your target audience is looking. We know how to make that happen for you. We have an SEO plan that is going to help you get your business into victory formation. Let’s huddle up and start boosting your online visibility!

The Ultimate Local SEO Checklist: A Checklist To Help You Dominate Your Local Market

A free checklist designed to help you elevate your local SEO strategy so you start dominating your local market. This checklist is going to help position you as the go-to expert in your area - that's your goal, right?

Download Now